Insulation of the covering structure of the building – II. stage and construction modifications of a part of the building of the educational building PF UPJŠ

  • Investor
    UPJŠ Košice, Šrobárova 2, 041 80 Košice
  • Locality
  • End date
Construction description:

Projekt rieši rekonštrukciu výukového objektu Prírodovedeckej fakulty UPJŠ v Košiciach, pozostávajúcej z realizácie prevetrávanej fasády, zateplenia strechy a modernizácie vnútorných priestorov.

It is a 3-story building with one underground floor. As part of the reconstruction of the façade, the original perimeter cladding will be dismantled from the balletic panels, replaced by a new ventilated perimeter cladding, and the infill structures will be replaced.

Insulation of the roof cladding consists of the implementation of new layers of a flat roof.

The interior’s modernization consists of a complete replacement of ELI, VZT, OUR, ZTI, ÚK distributions, new surface treatments of the walls, ceilings and floors of the school premises and a complete change in the layout of the dining room and completion of the kitchen facilities.