Hanušovce nad Topľou, Large baroque manor house – construction renovation of the interior on the I. and II. above ground floor

  • Investor
    Regional Museum in Prešov
  • Locality
  • Date of completion
    11/2022 – 5/2023
Construction description:

Stavba sa nachádza v meste Hanušovce nad Topľou. Predmetom obnovy kaštieľa sú stavebné práce súvisiace s realizáciou inžinierských sietí v interiéri kaštieľa.

The work includes the replacement of the distribution systems and heating elements of central heating, construction of a new gas boiler room including a new gas boiler, new wiring and part of the electrical lights installation, wiring for the electrical fire alarm systems and electrical security systems, structured cabling and a camera system. Social facilities: the renovation will also include social facilities on the I. and II. above ground floor.