Grocery store, Pivovarská St., Veľký Šariš

  • Investor
    KARMEN – veľkoobchod potravín s.r.o., Strojnícka 15, 080 01 Prešov
  • Locality
    Veľký Šariš
  • End date
    03/2021 – 08/2021
Construction description:

The construction of the retail grocery store building is situated at the eastern entrance to the town of Veľký Šariš, opposite the brewery. In the exterior, there is a manual self-service car wash in front of the store.

The building is designed as a single story without a basement. It consists of a grocery store with 600 square meters and a small bakery with space for preparation activities on the set area. There are male and female changing rooms, sanitary facilities, a day room for employees, a technical room, an office, and the stock in space in the designated part of the store.

Based on the construction and technical solution, the building is a rectangular floor plan without a basement with dimensions of 48.5×19.5 m with a total height of 5.82 m.
